This deal will depend if we receive the $2.00/1 Ecotrin coupon in tomorrow’s paper. PLEASE make sure to check your papers if you are buying extras because of these deals. We haven’t been receiving all of the coupons lately. Last week we were missing about five coupons that the rest of the country received.
Here is the scenario:
Purchase 3 Ecotrin - $2.69 Each
Use 3 of the $2.00/1 Ecotrin Coupons – 1/10 RP
Final Price: $2.07
***Then receive a $5.00 OYNO (On Your Next Order). This potentially is a $3.00 moneymaker!!!
Does anyone know of an agency that could use these? I will be purchasing a lot but don’t need 20 things of aspirin. Let me know if you have any ideas.
Melanie, my friend's church runs a food pantry and they will take meds like this. They will not take things with alcohol or OTC that are commonly abused. Also, maybe check with somewhere like Cherry Street Mission? I would imagine they would help treat residents with headaches, but I'm just guessing.
Thanks! Let me know the name of the food pantry and I will drop off my extras.
I did this today... and actually bought the last three bottles... this brings up a question: is there any way to get any of these "catalina" deals if the item is not in stock?
That tends to be part of the problem at Giant Eagle. You will not be able to get the catalina if the item is out of stock. Giant Eagle does offer rain checks but you will not get the catalina when you redeem the item.
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